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CEDMA's opinion on DATE: "Flooding is the Achilles heel of future Dianense territorial planning"

29 2021 April - 10: 30

It is not the first time that from the Marina Alta Business Center we are forced to insist on the importance of declaring Dénia as a flooded municipality. But on this occasion, we hope that the Department of Urban Planning of the Dénia City Council will be able to take seriously and in this sense the Environmental and Strategic Territorial Declaration (DATE) of the General Structural Plan issued by the General Directorate of Natural Resources and Valuation Environmental.

Image: Flooded street in one of the exits of DéniaFlooded street in one of the exits of Dénia

The CEDMA Territory Commission met this week and after a rigorous analysis by the technicians and professionals that comprise it, it is unappealable to affirm that the DATE confirms that flooding is the Achilles heel of future Dianense territorial planning. Furthermore, a large part of the many conditions warned in the document are due precisely to this cause, so that from CEDMA we still do not understand the municipal reasons to ignore the recommendation made in its day in this regard by the Land Management Service. of the Generalitat.

Perhaps, we suspect, this resistance is due to the fact that many of the councilors that make up the current Dianense executive voted against the declaration of a floodable municipality when they were in the opposition, thus preventing corrective measures from being taken. If this is the reason, we ask that you get rid of past complexes and mistakes, and assume the responsibility that you have as public representatives of the city.

The Sanitation Master Plan referred to by the DATE deserves a separate point, its state of chronic neglect that will now have to be resumed, as well as the need to consider that connecting to the sewage system of thousands of Montgó and Rotes homes will not be a sufficient solution. without providing resizing measures to the impulsion system and a
new WWTP.

Much has to change this general plan proposed in 2019, a version that on the other hand and as we already pointed out in its day, lacks the necessary public exposure and any attempt to support its economic viability. This DATE, in reality, is a surprising historical milestone, since its 52 pages are de facto the systematic reminder of the accused breach of the multiple sectorial reports that still remain unfavorable to the planning proposed by the Department of Urban Planning of Dénia.

The DATE, if taken seriously, should lead to the introduction of substantial changes in the model proposed by the City Council, and therefore many doubts remain in the air. Given that the conditions both in the aforementioned subjects and in many other points are so demanding, will this cause a new public exposure? And if it is not carried out, what legal guarantees are there that he will not be thrown back in court precisely because of a new procedural ruling?

Because the DATE, in short, considers the proposed model acceptable, but sets so many conditions that it is difficult to meet them without carrying out a PGE very different from the one currently proposed.

The current situation is in the pre-declaration phase. As it is a "non-final" environmental declaration, as the same document points out, we have made absolutely no progress and are, unfortunately, in the same place as four years ago.

For these reasons, from CEDMA, it is planned to officially request the convocation of the Dénia Town Planning Council to know the steps that the City Council is going to take in order to solve the situation. At the same time, and to address the doubts generated by this DATE, a meeting will also be requested at the General Directorate of Urbanism.

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