Politics - Compromís

Opinion Compromís per Dénia: «Balance of final d'any»

29 December 2021 - 11: 43

Els Nadals are times of positivity, fraternity and joy, but also moments of reflection and balance of l'any that deixem enrere. Enguany has returned to being COVID that has conditioned our three vines and politics in general. In our ambit, there has been a brand for the efforts and the collective responsibility at the social level, and the consensus and the agreement to guarantee the health and the economy at the political level. But more on the subject of COVID, the balance of what politics has followed, the pitjor and the millor.

Image: Rafa Carrió during the ceremony of Compromís del Nou d'Octubre de 2020Rafa Carrió during the ceremony of Compromís del Nou d'Octubre de 2020

Balance in negatiu

Lack of transparency, honesty, and humility of the government team

A transparent, honest and humble governor is not only the one that gives you updates on the Transparència portal, but is the one that gave the truth about political or managerial errors, així com sap admetre critiques, and does not manipulate l'public opinion. In this sense, the PSPV continues to be-ho, and some exemples of this year have followed the roll with the opposition and associations of high color, the tax form of applying the policies, or a pedestrianization of real alternatives d'aparcament, convertint tot l'entorn in blava area.

Management deficient in absolute majoria

The perfection does not exist in politics, but a government in absolute majority expects more coordination, transversality and efficient management, així with a better attention to the periphery (Marines and Rotes) and not only to the center of Dénia. I felt a government that presumed to function with a full route, not yet predicted, as is the case of the contract of the llums of Nadal, or the general Pressupost of 2022.

It is not possible that any sense will start an outline of the general pressupost of 2022, and so sols comptem with the announcement to the press, and investments that are coming on November, but that they will be in execution, with the Museum to Marquesa Valero Palma.

Segueixen sense arriving promises

Other exemples of projects that are going to be delayed, which is going to pose in March in the previous legislature, that have to be finalized, or that were previous promises, are venuts per the team of govern with the great nous projects for 2022 , tot facing the electoral campaign. This is one of the best manipulations that I refer to. In the meantime, we have no progress in pending things like the Montgó harpsichord, the Castell Director Plan, or the Santa Llúcia ring, which you are going to propose for two years.

These are deceived from the time communication of the government team with their socises to Madrid in assumptions molt claims by Compromís, with the Gandia-Dénia Train, and the Costes regeneration projects; Així com farts of the passivitat of the Minister Barceló with the incompliments of Marina Salut, or of the little communication with Ports that returns to fail the will of Dénia in quant to the Port Autònom.

Balance in positiu

You adjust to COVID

La Conselleria d’Economia Sostenible que dirigeix Compromís ha assignat moltes ajudes per a pal·liar els efectes de la crisi als treballadors, empresaris i autònoms: Pla Resisteix, EMPUJU, ECOVID… Així com altres destinades també a afavorir l’ocupació local, millorar i modernitzar l’àrea industrial, i ajudar al sector comercial i al Mercat. Paral·lelament, celebrem les ajudes socials de l’Ajuntament per a fer front a les conseqüències de la pandèmia.

Projects for the city

Highlight the strong investment of the Department of Education led by Vicent Marzà, and which makes it possible for Dénia to make the most of the education and education centers of the Pla Edificant. As not, remember also the announcement by Mónica Oltra of the construction of a second residence of majors of public management and a Mental Health center in La Pedrera, dins del Pla Convivint.

Després de molt vindicate, is treballant in a regulation of the Municipal Market, in the Smart City, in 2022 it will provide a new service for the recovery of fem and neteja de carrers in which our contributions have been included.

Compromís' treball as constructive opposition

Hem tingut a paper actiu and collaborator in the studies and plans elaborats during l'any, with the ones of Mobilitat, Emergències, Neteja, Comerç, etc., with initiatives and contributions; I have presented the fins to 17 motions of general and local interest. Some of them, such as the extension of the green bonuses in the fiscal ordinances, will be a reality in 2022.

Desitjos for the new any

Looking ahead to 2022, we will continue in this line, feeling participatory, advocating general interest, feeling constructius and critical quan calga. If the pandemic ensues, carry out a program of parties with activities related to culture and ecologism, així with reprendrem the sectorial presencials oberts per a treballar-hi in the programmatic project of Compromís, which represents and agglutinates l'esquerra progressista and valencianista.

Desitgem that they have just landed in marxa molts dels projectes pendents, that the finançament just that so much portem vindicating the Valencianists continues to promote a reality, that the mascliste and homophobic violence ends; and that a sanitat de qualitat i la salut, per damunt de tot, will accompany tots and totes in this next year.

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