Compromís - Politics

Compromís Opinion: «Per al·lusions on October 9»

16 October 2020 - 14: 02

For al·lusions, hem cregut convenient to clarify the misrepresentations that s'han fet del nostre speeches the passat 9 d'Octubre.

Image: Carrió during the act of October 9th of this yearCarrió during the act of October 9 this year

In the first place, Grimalt accuses him of having demagògia pel fet of saying that our proposal for some mesos will be to allocate the diners estalviats de les Festes patronals to more social groups and those affected by the restrictions of l'Estat d'Alarma, i that, per tant, I consider excessively the spending of more than 60.000 euros in these specific moments in a festival of 5 days of face-to-face activities, in lloc de reinforçar estes ajudes.

Also in our speech we will remember that the councilor of Festes, Oscar Mengual will declare the passat juliol that he would carry out activitats festives "more endavant to celebrate that he has overcome the crisis and that tot aniria be". But, let's criticize that you don't see the opportune moment to turn on this rise to organize so many activitats, because no, the crisis has not ended, nor is it molt menys.

There will be no sigut menys 9 d'October if they are corregut menys risc, or if you do them do this really aimed at posing value, helping and empowering organizations, groups or local companies. From fet, hi to festive sectors, business sectors, also cultural and night-time sectors, which cannot see the seua activity or the seu maintenance carried out, because it supposes “a social risk”, and which also need a support.

Segons diuen "I am not posing in risc or artists or citizens." Doncs, why do they say that it is "an exam that has passed", a "prova de foc passed"? Do you know where you are playing, or what are you playing with? Whose fault would it be if I did not do eixit bé? They also say that the programming "is going to be tenint in compte the current incidence of the epidemic". That nosaltres i tots sapiguem, one thing així does not s'organitza d'un dia per a l'altre.

Aleshores reiterated that when criticizing the company it decided to carry out an extensive program of 5 days, not attacking culture, nor the celebration of October 9. The one who criticizes is the lack of coherence, at a time when society is demanding so much that it is so opportunistically approfiting on October 9 for a smoke curtain.

Finally, i pel que fa a la seua declared that "Dénia will continue fent culture malgrat qui li pes"… Volem deixar ben clar que mai, neither in the nostre act, nor in cap altre moment hem contradicted the one that diu the nostre minister of Culture , Vicent Marzà, on what is configure a reactivation of cultural activities. From fet, our textual paraules will be "hem d'applaud the decision to promote culture at a time when the sector is trembling". Això yes, also let's say that I don't believe that it was the moment per a fer-lo com s'ha fet.

It is precisely here that the sembla curios who accuse them of fer demagògia, even though it is misrepresented there that we are going to say and intend to believe in a simplistic way that our discourse goes against culture.

Nosaltres som demagògics? We are totally opposed to it, accustomed to the fact that every time I make a criticism, an opinion or a proposition, they accuse the mateix. I eixa excessively self-confident, eixa also excessively worried about always having the last paraula, with menysprear and always show the seua superiority, així with the difficulty of accepting errors or critics is massa vegades eixint at the end. But with an absolute majority, what do you expect? Deia Quevedo that "it is easier to write against the superior than to defeat her", doncs això.

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