Politics - PSPV

Opinion PSPV-PSOE: «Fer espepents quan ja no cuinen el Pla General»

21 December 2018 - 13: 04

Quan no hi arguments, the only alternative is l'esperpent. The dimecres in the sessio of the Consell d'Urbanisme is going viure a surrealist situation, in which, some members will decide to leave the sessio in which is intended to donate participation to the Consell in the procés of public information of the project of modifications of the General Structural Plan .

The passat month of novembre, the plenary of the Ajuntament de Dénia decided to publicly expose the modifications that are pretenen to introduce in the PGE abans d'adop-les. Aquest projecte de modificacions estarà exposat fins el 9 de gener. It is a phase of public information prior to the incorporation of modifications and necessities for contrasting the cities and cities.

Members of CEDMA and associations afins no ho entès així. They have not been willing to participate retreat of the session. Claim to enter the kitchen, and I will make decisions. However, the power of the planning of the administration is a public function that has the objective of preserving general interest over particular interests. Evidently, that this authority has exerted both transparency and participation, but the PGE has deployed 2016 an intense process of public participation and will create the Consell d'Urbanisme. Those teams of govern creu in the participation, i per això, from 2015 hem posat in marxa mecanismes com els Regidors de Barri and various participatius concrets processes (pressupostos participatius, through the participation of the PGE, etc ...)

The attitude of the CEDMA and its affiliates affluence is that in the society we have an important part of participatory culture. The one who claims the LOBBY is a privileged information and share the power of decisions to mateix nivell that l'administració or els representants públics. That demand, sense dubte, és fruit d'anys de permissivitat dels governs de la dreta. In the passat have been els grups of the dreta i associacions els that have entered the cuina i have posat per davant dels interessos generals els seus particulars in the dam of public decisions. Bastant significatiu és també that the political groups of drets of the municipal corporation, voted against the public exhibition of the proposal of modifications of the PGE in the plenary of novembre, és a dir, s'oposaren to donate participation to the ciutadania in els canvis that is try to introduce in the PGE.

The status quo sent amenaçat els privilegis that have tingut in a recent passat, a passat in which l'administració governada per la dreta was meager. Ara, quan hi hagut canvi de govern i l'administració has recovered the seu paper i seues funcions, the lobbys posen in entredit les polítiques publiques en matèria d'ordenació del territori. Treballar for a more sustainable territorial model, for a general participat i i that has the focus on the people and on recovering the existing existence is a titanic tasca in that context.

The PGE segueix the seua processed inexorably pel bon camí, malgrat els quantious pals in les rodes. Once the project is finished, the current project of public information and the study of the projects, will proceed to donate a response to all of the projects and prepare the Final Proposal of the General Plan for the Ministry. per a la seua aprovació.

Municipal Socialist Group of Dénia

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