Companies - Society

Fifty neighbors are concentrated against the gas station Montgó

February 11 from 2015 - 00: 01

The cold and the rain did not prevent the residents of the buildings near the new Montgó gas station from taking to the streets to protest against the start-up of the station, scheduled for within a few days.

The spokesman for the protesters, Juan Ahuir said in a statement that his opposition is given because the station has been built in residential land, «una actividad que no es compatible con este tipo de suelo, que no cumple con las distancias mínimas a las viviendas ni a lindes y que va a incrementar el colapso de tráfico que vivimos los vecinos todos los días a la entrada y salida de los colegios».

They claim from the platform to the gas station, this business «va a perjudicar la salud de nuestros hijos y eso no lo podemos permitir».

Among the slogans were several demonstrators threw against the mayor, and who report they are doing written the council since June «que no han servido para nada». According to them, «este ayuntamiento nos prometió una ayuda y un apoyo que al final no nos ha ofrecido y desde aquí se lo reclamamos», So they ask the mayor «que cumpla con su palabra y haga todo lo posible para que esta gasolinera no se abra como nos prometió».

In the statement the neighbors appeal «a su sentido común» and they ask him to «piense bien si éste es el lugar más adecuado para esta actividad» for being the area where most students concentrate and make you reflect on «si sería capaz de evacuar todos los colegios con la suficiente rapidez en caso de accidente».

In this respect the company Gasorba, owner of the gas station, explains that the project complies with all safety distances and, despite being built on residential land, is a floor that contemplates its use for gas stations.

The company also has environmental license and equipment is «muy tranquilo» with the launch of the project, which will consist of a gas station, a shop and a car wash.

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