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Fifty people participate in the talks of the 'Educant en el present' program for Addiction Prevention

24 September 2020 - 16: 05

The House of Culture of Dénia hosted, on September 16 and 23, the fifth edition of Educating in the present, an activity organized by the Department of Addiction Prevention through the UPCCA (Unit for Community Prevention in Addictive Behaviors).

Around 50 people have participated in this meeting in the two sessions of the program, aimed at parents, families and educators of young people. The council takes stock "very positive" of the participation rate, taking into account the restrictions that occurred from COVID-19.

Attendees of the 'Educant al present

The first talk revolved around ICT education and was given by Maite Hernández Martínez, an expert psychologist in child psychology and addiction specialist, and Juan Manuel Flores Esclapez, a senior technician in Social Integration, coordinator of social projects at Tindaya Social SL

In this first session, attention was focused on improving the intervention of families in the use and management of new technologies from home, as well as learning to detect symptoms and behaviors that show misuse and the promotion of strategies to deal with complex situations related to ICT.

The next appointment was the session titled "Intervention in Sex Education for families", given by Rosalia Garcia Guillamón, nurse at the Dénia-II Health Center and in charge of developing the PIES (Intervention Program in Sex Education) in the educational centers of Dénia. From the council, the collaboration of Marina Salut in this talk is appreciated.

This second session was an opportunity to teach, and thus be able to transmit positive messages and values ​​about sexuality and lay the foundations for the youngest to be sexually healthy. This can also help to let children / know that their families are willing to talk to them about sexuality.

The activities of the Department of Addiction Prevention for this course will continue with the XXII School for fathers and mothers, entitled "Posat les piles !!!", which will take place in January and February 2021. To be able to attend, you must do the registration providing the name and surname, email and telephone number to any of the following contacts:

- Phone: 628076449
- Email:
- Missatge directe on Facebook or Instagram: @upccadenia

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