Associations and Clubs - Society - Solidarity

Ludai holds its first annual dinner Early Childhood Center

November 26 from 2012 - 11: 19

Wrapped by more than 300 people, girls Ludai team got their finery to celebrate with all its special annual dinner: the first are celebrating since Early Childhood Center.

The Multipurpose Room of Llunàtics hosted the event in which many people collaborated: moms and dads who prepared part of the dinner, the Sant Roc foremen, numerous companies that donated gifts for the raffle and many friends who helped during the event.

To begin, the president of Ludai, Jessica Romero, thanked everyone who during the four-year history of Asocación have left the skin by taking it forward. He made special mention of two moms who have always been at his side despite the difficult circumstances surrounding them.

The Councilor for Social Welfare, Pepa Sivera, congratulated Ludai for having achieved that long-awaited Early Care Center, which represents a turning point in its history, and thanked the collaboration of all present.

After an emotional video celebratory dinner began, and finish the evening proceeded to the raffle of numerous gifts donated selflessly.

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