Politics - PSPV

The Socialists propose to allocate a 1 2014% of budgets to fund social emergency

05 December 2013 - 00: 01

While waiting for Dénia to announce the budgets for next year, the socialist opposition in the town hall has already raised some initiatives for the government team to take into account.

The PSPV spokesman, Vicent Grimalt, explained that the Socialists ask to allocate 1% of the City Council's income budget for 2014 to the creation of a bag for social emergency aid that provides coverage to people at risk of social exclusion, until they obtain effective aid through normal channels; the preparation of an Occupation Plan for long-term unemployed; first occupation of young people and people with different capacities, and the creation of a fund destined to the announcement of competitions of ideas for the participation of students, of projects that revert to the benefit of the city.

In addition, they also propose the implementation of several "zero cost" initiatives such as the redefinition of CREAMA, the strengthening of the local ADL office, the development, definition and monitoring of an energy saving plan with the objective of reducing spending by 10 annual percent and reduction of 20% of external jobs.

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