Politics - PSPV

The Socialists presented arguments to the budgets 2014

May 22 from 2014 - 09: 25

As announced in the full approval of municipal budgets 2014, the socialist group in the city of Denia has submitted allegations to the document, for which voted against.

His spokesman, Vicent Grimalt, has explained that in the allegation they propose to allocate 1% of the collection of the Real Estate Tax to the creation of a bag for social emergency aid that covers people at risk of social exclusion, until They obtain effective aid through standardized channels and the preparation of an Employment Plan for the following groups: Long-term unemployed, first employment of young people, people with different abilities.

To achieve these objectives proposed preliminary expenses «de fiestas, protocolo y publicidad, así como, reducir externalizaciones y estudios y trabajos técnicos, cuyo cometido sea asumible por el personal especializado de este Ayuntamiento».

From the PSPV they hope that these allegations will be accepted since it is financed with the money that the taxpayer has paid to his town hall through the IBI and is «la manera de revertir en el ciudadano una pequeña parte de lo que sale directamente de su bolsillo».

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