Sports - Others

The largest in the region have their Olympiad on May 25

08 2014 April - 18: 38

Las personas mayores de edades comprendidas entre los 65 y 75 años tendrán su Olimpiada el próximo 25 de mayo. El proyecto «olímpic» se presentó en el ayuntamiento dianense, en un acto que contó con la presencia de Antonio Reig, presidente del Consorci Esportiu de la Marina Alta (CEMA), Juan Carlos Signes, edil de deportes y Emilio Monfort creador de este proyecto pionero en España.

The sports day will begin at 9 in the morning and will last until 14:XNUMX p.m. The competitions will take place in the facilities of the Dénia municipal sports center and the swimming pool of the Dénia Sports Center.

In this project they have no place sports of athletics, where there will be no march races at distances of 100, 400 meters and a relay for 4X100. Swimming with tests 25, 50 and 4X25 meters relay. Volleyball with some adaptations to the regulations and the ball which will play matches.

In basketball, no matches will be played a gimkana where participants will test launch a boat and baskets are made. There will be a dance choreography competition.

Organizers hope that there representing the majority of municipalities in the region. Work sport coordinators will be critical to make this possible. The goal is to be carried out annually and have the importance they have had Tradijocs or Jocs Mini.

The pre-registration period will end on April 21, and final registration will close on May 12.

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