
The innkeepers of the region are interested in incorporating healthier proposals to the restaurant offer

February 22 from 2019 - 11: 06

It is a reality that the kitchen made with increasingly healthy products follows the path that is marking the market of organic products, which in Spain grows with indicators above two digits for some years, consolidating a trend that seems unstoppable.

Los datos indican que los hogares españoles invierten un 56% más en productos «eco» y «bio» que hace siete años, lo que demuestra la apuesta, sin marcha atrás, por este tipo de productos en las cocinas españolas.

Following this trend, the Association of Hotel and Tourism Entrepreneurs of the Marina Alta (AEHTMA) and the firm Endemic Biotech have organized a professional day under the title ECOTECH DAY. Innovative proposals for a comprehensive healthy restoration. The event will take place next February 26, between the 17: 00 and the 19: 00 hours, at the Dénia CDT facilities.

This day aims to inform professionals in the catering sector that healthy cooking is increasing its presence in the Spanish cuisine constantly and in parallel with the growing demand for organic products, It is a reality that the presence of organic products charges every There is more prominence in the kitchen and there are more numerous restaurant menus that opt ​​for a healthy offer, not only for a taste issue, but also for an ethical aspect.

Schedule of the day

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