Companies - Society - Urbanism

Entrepreneurs advocate locating the bus station in the maritime station

02 2014 April - 00: 01

The entrepreneurs of the Marina Alta met this week in the Salon of Acts of the Business Incubator to hold their general assembly, in which they discussed several issues related to both their management and the current situation of Dénia and the region.

In addition to officially change its name "Cercle Empresarial de la Marina Alta", the businessmen regretted the delay in the funds from the Trust Plan and showed their indignation with the city council for not accepting the proposal of the Baleària company to locate the city's bus station in its maritime station, a way of not spending money on the construction of the long-awaited station and not be subject to the money of a Plan that does not know when it will arrive.

As expressed by some members CEDMA, transportation of travelers from the center of Denia to the bus station could be performed free of charge aboard the solar boat "The Panseta" and the proposal of the shipping would involve placing more stops throughout the city, although the center would be to the maritime station.

It is recalled that the project of the future bus station was the most voted by citizens from the train station, but finally decided that the final location will be Torrecremada.

The president of CEDMA, Sonja Dietz, explained that we are facing a very important decision for the city and that the ideal is for everyone to contribute ideas to reach a consensus.

The assembly also lamented the "inaction of the city council when granting licenses", which prevents possible foreign investors from the city due to the obstacles they encounter, who prefer to move to other municipalities such as Teulada or Xàbia.

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