
Those affected by evictions will not pay the added value of their homes

August 14 from 2013 - 00: 00

The city of Dénia has released a new line of aid to people who are in mortgage processes, focusing this time on one of the claims of the PAH (Platform of People Affected by the Mortgage). In this way, it will exempt people affected by an eviction from the payment of the tax on the increase in the value of land of an urban nature -plusvalía- of their homes.

These rules regulate the granting of aid in the cases of foreclosures and purchases in which the buying party is the bank itself, or entity belonging to its group, provided that the amount of the sale is equal to the rest of the mortgage loan which remains to be paid, and provided that it is a single and habitual dwelling of the family nucleus.

Applications can be submitted throughout the year, and for transmissions produced after the 31 of December of the 2010 will be applied retroactively.

Aid for the IBI and the garbage fee

Also, the city council of Dianense will renew the line of aid for the payment of the IBI and the rate of garbage for people with fewer resources that began last year and that subsidizes the stretch of the increase in taxes and municipal taxes.

This aid is intended for long-term unemployed, large families, single-parent and single-parent families, retirees and pensioners with low income and women affected by gender violence. Among the requirements for requesting them are having previously paid the IBI and the garbage fee within the voluntary period or having granted the postponement or fractionation of payment within the period of application for the subsidy; that the applicant is the owner of the home and not owning another property.

It will be in the month of September when the bases and the call for aid are published.

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