Compromís - Politics

Women discussed their situation in today's society

13 December 2014 - 00: 00

La formación Compromís per Dénia celebró una mesa redonda bajo el lema «Mujeres y liderazgo» que tuvo como protagonistas a la edil de esta formación política en el ayuntamiento de Valencia, Consol Castillo y a la editora, Nuria Sendra de ediciones Bullent.

The event served to put on the table for discussion employment discrimination, roles and stereotypes that marks society and the need to create tools to deepen gender equality in business, science, politics and culture, between others.

En este sentido, Nuria Sendra explicó, «We have to understand equality in two directions. Women can do the same as men but also the other way around. We need to free ourselves from those marked papers for so long. It is necessary that we want to get where men do and that men can get to where we get«.

Consol Castillo argumentó, «when it comes to leadership and women do in reference to changing values ​​of society. In politics for many years the parties have given women a certain departments, while others very concrete have always been linked men. A trend that when you cambiasteis Mª Carmen Sellés was in charge of urban planning«.

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