
Feminists of the Marina Alta take to the streets to demand the rights of women

03 March 2017 - 08: 14

One hundred women from across the Marina Alta participated on Thursday afternoon in the demonstration on the occasion of Women's Day organized by the Xarxa de Dones of the Marina Alta. The march, which started from the Town Hall Square, brought together various feminist groups that are committed to policies proposed ending in a social organization without the current inequalities.

Led by the Colla The Xareta, the demonstration passed without incident through the streets La Mar and Cándida Carbonell to the Plaza del Convento, where the statement was read this year. He emphasized that in this year, «además de las reivindicaciones y el orgullo de ser un movimiento revolucionario único, queremos lanzar un grito formado por el dolor, la rabia y la decisión de actuar contra la barbarie que sufren las mujeres inmigrantes».

And is that the motto of this year, «Feminismo: rompiendo muros, abriendo fronteras», Is based on the defense of these women, who are fleeing terrible circumstances in a migratory path where you have to suffer abuse and physical and sexual assault.

That is why the Xarxa de DonesIn this year, it requires the government to provide sufficient resources «para que la práctica social sea solidaria, de acompañamiento, de escolta y acogida para las mujeres que llaman a nuestra puerta». Also committed to «una eduación que transmita valores de respeto y aceptación de las diferencias».

The day ended with a dinner at a restaurant in Pedreguer in which delivery of the awards this year was made, the collective Femme Força Pedreguer and Professor MªMar Esquembre of the University of Alicante.

04 manifestacion dia de la mujer denia 2017 xarxa de dones
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