Parties - Fallas

The failures of Denia pay homage to Jaume Bertomeu as Exemplary Fallero of 2018

February 25 from 2018 - 09: 41

The fallas de Dénia met this Saturday, after the inauguration of the Ninot Exhibition, to celebrate the Fallera Gala in the Salones el Poblet, in which in addition to delivering the rewards of the Fallera Local Board and the Fallera Central Board of València, Tribute was paid to Jaume Bertomeu, Exemplary Fallero of 2018.

The first to take the floor before the awards ceremony was the secretary of the Local Board, Salva Llorens, with a positive speech in which he encouraged the falleros, the authorities and the neighbors to appreciate how big the failures of Dénia and the reference that they suppose for other municipalities of the Region.

Then proceeded to the delivery of rewards, by the faller mayor of Dénia, Melani Ivars, and the president of the Local Board Fallera, José Vicente Benavente.

The mayor of Dénia, Vicent Grimalt, and the eldest child faller, Carla Vinaroz, joined Melani and José Vicente to deliver the recognition to an excited Jaume Bertomeu, who was surrounded by a large table of friends and family.

The person in charge of directing him a few words was Juan Céspedes, fallero of the Falla Diana who was part of the Local Board Fallera as delegate of Social Networks and Protocol during Bertomeu's term. Céspedes praised the ability of the Exemplary Fallero to make the Local Board a great family that managed to overcome potholes and setbacks, but still continues to maintain the amitad. In addition, he thanked Jaume Bertomeu for everything he has taught him because, "Thanks to you I am the fallero that I am"He said.

Then a video was shown in which many people participated that night could not accompany Jaume, sending a message of love to the Fallero Ejemplar.

In his speech, Jaume Bertomeu thanked his commission, the Falla Centro, which proposed him for this recognition, and requested applause for the late Tomás Chiner, member of the fault. The Exemplary Fallero recalled the work done by the members of its Local Fallera Board during his tenure, as well as his relatives, especially his daughters, Marta and Paula. Finally, he claimed that "let the falleros manage the subsidy money" and ended his speech with a nod to his partner for the effort made that night.

25 sopar de gala denia 2018 entrega del cuadro
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