Parties - Fallas

The Fallas de Dénia start with the planting of the monuments and the celebration of the Nit d'Albaes

15 March 2023 - 10: 46

Dénia is already immersed in the fallas spirit. For a few days, the falleros and falleras have begun to raise their monuments in the different neighborhoods of the city, with the aim that everything is ready for the Fallas.

Image: Plantà in the Falla CentroPlant in the Falla Center

The traditional plantà is one of the most intense and busy events in the different districts of the city. Work does not stop until the monuments are shaped and the desired result is achieved. However, the falleros and falleras take some rest during the night to celebrate the progress made.

On Tuesday night, the first Nit d'Albaes was celebrated in half of the city commissions. It is a tribute to the greatest falleras representatives of each commission, which is performed by singers and singers to the sound of dolçaina and tabalet. For their part, the committees offer a snack-dinner, usually with chocolate and fritters.

Celebration of the Nit d'Albaes in Dénia

The Nit d'Albaes is a deep-rooted tradition and is one of the most emotional moments of the Fallas. The second and last Nit d'Albaes will take place tonight, in which the commissions that have not celebrated the first will have the opportunity to pay tribute to their major falleras.

With the assembly of the monuments very advanced, Dénia is preparing to enjoy some Fallas full of emotion and joy. A celebration that brings together thousands of people every year and is one of the most beloved and anticipated in the city.

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