Paris Falla Pedrera - Fallas - Parties - Leisure

The Four Seasons welcome back to Esther Dalmau as Fallera Mayor Infantil de Paris Pedrera

24 September 2012 - 13: 38

The arrival of autumn has marked the beginning of the fallas presentations, but events take place throughout the year, and this was reflected by the Paris Pedrera children's commission in the presentation of its highest positions: Esther Dalmau Llácer and Hugo Montejano Expósito.

Manel Pastor, child 2012 president, was commissioned to conduct a prompt and moving ceremony that began with the entry into the scene of his successor, Hugo Montejano Exposito. Hugo welcomed twenty children who form the court of honor. Manel, knowing what a year brings fallero for office, station by station ran through the live acts, ending with the star of the morning, Esther Dalmau Llácer, who reprises the position of Fallera Mayor Infantil de Paris Pedrera.

Esther took the stage accompanied flower bearers, including his brother Raul was. Thrilled, he reads a poem dedicated to his sister and led to the imposition of the band by Rosabel Pous, Faller Mayor of Paris Pedrera 2012. Rosabel was also the exalting of Esther, and could not hold back tears as he recalled the year lived next to the small and wish to repeat experiences.

The presenter also took the opportunity to say goodbye to his position and give the witness to Hugo, for which he changed his sash and put on the one that accompanied him during the last year. With him began the tributes, which continued with the 2013 charges, Sara Femenía and José Candel, the president of the Brotherhood of the Mare de Déu, the party councilor and Rocío Patricio, Fallera Mayor Infantil de Dénia 2013.

The words of Hugo and Esther were responsible for closing the event, and both agreed that, although not very much, will live an unforgettable year together.

28 Children Charges of Paris Pedrera 2012 2013
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