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The celebrations for the years 400 Title Dénia City will stretch all year

02 2012 April - 00: 00

The 4 April 1612 King Philip III through V Marquess of Denia and Duke of Lerma, Francisco Gomez de Sandoval y Rojas, gave to Dénia real privilege title of city, which so far only sported in the Region Valencia, Xàtiva, Orihuela, Segorbe and Alicante.

To commemorate this anniversary, the City of Dénia has prepared a series of events that began last Friday at the concert of Dénia Clàssics and that will be conducted throughout the year, but will have its epicenter on Wednesday.

That day at 11: 30 morning, a memorial extraordinary plenary session in which will read an official statement by the spokespersons for each party against the original title, which was restored last year and will be exhibited will be held in the Plenary Hall. The event are invited the former mayors of Denia, La Xara and Jesus Pobre, who will be invited, as spokesmen for the parties to sign before it starts full in the book of honor of the city.

Once the full a commemorative plaque will be discovered in the basement of City Hall and begin contnuación General bell ringing parishes San Antonio, Assumption, Agustinas and San Miguel.

For this commemoration has also prepared a brochure with the title of the document and historical explanation of the facts may be collected from municipal dpendencias for free, as well as a special edition stamps with 400 anniversary logo.

The events continue on May 9 with the presentation of facsimile city title, the original copy is preserved in the municipal archives. The 18 the same month a ceremony will be held in the Auditorium of the Social Center which highlights text reading the title of city by dianenses various social organizations.

In June, coinciding with the celebration of Corpus, there will be a conference on "The Corpus as a civic party of the city" collaboration with the Dansa Dianium group.

After the summer will be distributed among the students Dianense one auca with drawings of the main monuments related to the anniversary. There will also be an exhibition on the city at the time of the granting of the title and a course for November on "Dénia, the city and the V Marquis".

The celebrations of the 400 anniversary were presented by the mayor of Denia, Ana Kringe, and the councilor for culture, Pepa Font.

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