Parties - Falla Port Rotes - Fallas

Marine life stars in the presentation of Àngela Toledo as Fallera Mayor of Port Rotes

14 October 2019 - 12: 07

From the depths of an ocean that, once again, protests to stop the pollution that we cause, the commission of the Port Rotes Fault extolled Àngela Toledo Morillas, presenting her as Fallera Mayor of the 2020 commission.

Image: A plastic whale presided over the actA plastic whale presided over the act

An act where, as we said, the role in the life of the marine areas was claimed and sought to raise awareness about the care it deserves. This was explained by the host of the event, Ada Simó, under the watchful eye of a huge whale covered with recycled plastic materials that presided over the stage imposing and whose story served as the guiding thread of the gala.

Àngela and José Luis during the presentation

Tras la primera narración de la «cetácea» protagonista, en la cual explicaba cómo transcurría su vida en las proximidades de la costa dianense, llegó la hora de presentar al que es ya el Presidente de la comisión, José Luís López Sierra, invitándolo a subir al escenario para recibir a toda la corte 2019-2020.

Exaltation by the mother of the Fallera Mayor

Once the stage was filled, with its Court of Honor and President waiting for her, it was time to introduce Angel, who went on stage surrounded by cheers. Nobody wanted to miss such an important event of the Port Rotes, so the charges of each commission took the stage during the turn of pleitesias.

Safir Malonda, Fallera Mayor de Dénia, next to Àngela

Without a doubt, the most emotional moment of the gala was the exaltation carried out by Àngela's mother, with which she could not contain the tears that flowed from the moment she discovered who the word would be.

Adult and children's charges of Port Rotes 2020

There are fewer and fewer months left for March; Fallas that Àngela and José Luis will carry in their memories forever.

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