28M elections - Politics - PSPV

The transformation of Dénia that the PSPV wants for the youngest

May 17 from 2023 - 12: 15

This week, the Socialists of Dénia have released their electoral program for the upcoming elections, focusing on initiatives aimed at youth and children. The main objective is to encourage the participation of young people and provide more leisure spaces for the little ones.

Image: Presentation of the socialist program regarding Youth and ChildrenPresentation of the socialist program regarding Youth and Childhood

Raquel Martín, one of the new additions to the candidacy, has highlighted the achievements of the socialist government in recent years, including the transformation of the city into a Child Friendly City. Martín mentioned the policies implemented to improve the safety of children, family and work conciliation, and the expansion of the leisure and training offer for young people.

The new program focuses on consolidating the vision of a city that prioritizes youth and childhood. For children, the creation of new leisure spaces is proposed, such as additional playgrounds, the installation of slides in Chabàs park and zip lines in Bosc de Diana, the creation of a network of safe routes between schools and parks, libraries at outdoors and the expansion of the “Patis Oberts” program to offer more options on weekends.

In addition, an annual program of activities for children is planned, gastronomy workshops to involve children in the UNESCO Creative City, days of traditional games and the “Menuda Flexió Verbal” initiative, inspired by a cultural event held every summer. in Dénia since 1996.

Melani Ivars, actual concejala de Infancia, resaltó el enfoque en los niños durante la pandemia y anunció un aumento en el número de plazas para el programa «Vacances per a totes i tots» de 120 a 200, con la intención de satisfacer toda la demanda.

Regarding youth, Juan Sapena, municipal manager, detailed the forecasts for the future, including a specific training project on youth participation in educational centers, the creation of youth information points and spaces for associative coexistence. The demand for new sports spaces for young people will also be addressed, beginning with the remodeling of the Madrigueres slopes.

Training in values ​​is also an important point in the programme, with proposals such as the organization of meetings between youth associations, the promotion of solidarity projects, emotional literacy programs and leisure activities based on education in values.

The party has highlighted the projects already implemented in this legislature, such as the expansion of the Alternative Leisure Plan for young people, the creation of the figure of the "youth correspondent" as a link between the Youth Department and the city's young people, the transfer of municipal spaces for youth associations, the approval of the first Pla Jove for Dénia, La Xara and Jesús Pobre, and the agreement with the IVAJ to issue the Carnet Jove in Dénia.

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