Falla Saladar - Fallas - Parties

The ship of dreams takes off in the Saladar to introduce Paula Cristóbal as higher infant faller

16 October 2016 - 18: 26

The smallest of the Saladar fault celebrated on Sunday morning the presentation of Paula Cristóbal Ivars as the commission's eldest child faller, a journey in time that he sought millennium after millennium until reaching the moment when Paula is exalted as the highest representative child of the fault.

And for this he counted on the collaboration of Natalia Arbona, Lucia Ramos, Elena Rosalén, Yaiza Serrano and Diana Jiménez, adventurers from different eras of our history that led to the act. Bruno González Albo-Serra, child president, was called to the stage to be the first to speak. The little one greeted the presents and revived with them some of the sensations that this year are with him.

Then they took the stage dozens of children who are child commission, gradually shaping the final stage. But there was the linchpin, the most important, which appeared after a great clock of time when their rods reached 2017.

, Teary eyes, Paula Cristóbal was to meet his president to jointly receive the love of the Saladar fails. Once busy place, on top of the stage, Paula was visited by Itziar Rosalén and Raúl Chacón, his predecessors in office. Together, and memory, 2016 charges were dismissed from the commission as «pasado, presente y futuro de la falla».

They were followed by charges this year, Melani Ivars and Juan Villalba; Pedro Lanza, as representative of the Comission of Festes de la Mare de Deu; Councilwoman Elisabet Cardona; and infant faller of Denia, Mar Cabrera.

After them came the most anticipated moment for Paula, the one to discover who was going to realize her exaltation. And the one in charge was her aunt Pilar Ivars, who in a very sweet way remembered the strong bond that unites the two in the form of invisible thread that will never be broken.

Finally, Paula took the floor to address the audience present. In addition to her charges, commission and the child charges of other fallas, Paula especially greeted her parents. To her father for having convinced her mother to make Paula the eldest child faller and her mother for having signed up for the falla without really liking the party.

As children charges of failure Saladar said, five months ahead now to continue discovering what it means to be child faller and president of a historical commission.

30 presentacion infantil falla saladar 2017 paula cristobal ivars
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