Falla Centro - Fallas - Parties

Zarik magic wowed falleros Center

05 December 2014 - 00: 00

The commission of the Falla Centro lived a magical day, since the magician Zarik and his companion Diana Abad, took the essence of the magic to the auditorium of the Social Center surprising all those present there.

He performed magic tricks of all kinds, from letters to each more shocking escapism. Many children participated collaborating with the magician in some of his tricks and gaped.

Before, cooks, Ándres Sarrate and José Candel left their commission with very good taste when preparing a caldós arròs with pencas and octopus, which was tasted by 50 people.

For tomorrow Saturday the activity will be maximum for this commission since at 13 hours it is expected that the photo of the commission in the Roundabout is made. After which, there will be a meal, which will be an Arròs Caldós amb fessols i naps prepared by Mari Tere Timoner.

The party will continue to 18 hours with the performance of the charanga Cachorras Band and intense day will close with a dinner of sandwiches prepared by Jorge Silvestre.

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