
The rain of stars reaches its maximum splendor tonight with the Perseids

August 12 from 2017 - 06: 00

Summer has magical things. One of them is to enjoy, for more than three weeks, the intensity of the rain of stars in our sky. But nothing like what we are going to be able to see tonight. The most famous star rain, that of the Perseids, is taking place this weekend, and this Saturday night will reach its maximum splendor.

The moon will be around 23: 50 hours, so it is recommended to look at the sky from two hours before from a place with little light pollution and enjoy this spectacle of nature. It is expected that 100 meteors per hour cross the sky.

The experts recommend looking at the northeast, the constellation of Perseus, a short distance from the horizon. It is the point of the sky from which they come, and from which they take their name these luminous stelae which are neither more nor less than the remains left by the comet Swift Tuttle, In an area of ​​Earth's orbit that our planet crosses every year between July and August.

No specific equipment is required to view them. What's more, it is not recommended. Just lie back and look at the sky with tranquility and patience, and let yourself be enveloped by the magic of a special night. The stelae will appear from any place and at any time, so it is best to relax and enjoy the night.

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