Calp - Society - Crime

The Civil Guard detains a woman for simulating two robberies in her home to scam insurance

12 March 2021 - 13: 14

The Civil Guard of Alicante has arrested a woman, in Calp, as the alleged perpetrator of two crimes of simulation of crime and two other crimes of fraud, by feigning robberies with force at her home and later defrauding the insurance company.

Image: After the report of the first robbery, the woman received 3.000 euros in compensation from the insurance companyAfter the report of the first robbery, the woman received 3.000 euros in compensation from the insurance company

The investigation began as a result of the complaint filed by a Calp neighbor in which she stated that she had seen how three hooded men had entered her home and stolen more than 1.000 euros, high-value vases and a large amount of jewelry.

After the complaint, agents from the Calp Investigation Area began actions in order to clarify the facts.

The report of the complainant raised doubts about the credibility of the complaint, due to the inconsistencies and contradictions that it showed at all times in the account of the events that occurred. In addition, the visual inspection carried out by the agents in the house determined that there was no indication that a robbery had taken place there.

Faced with this vicissitude, the complainant was investigated, discovering that in November of last year, she had filed another complaint for a robbery with force coinciding that it had occurred in the same place, her home and the objects declared as stolen. as money (3.700 euros), various jewels and vases. For this event, he obtained from the insurance company a total of 3.000 euros, as compensation for the alleged theft reported.

At this point, the complainant was summoned again to the police headquarters, who came voluntarily to answer the investigators' questions. The woman at first reiterated the events that had occurred but at a certain point she acknowledged to the agents that the complaints she had presented were false, admitting that she had done so because "she was in bad shape and did not have a job."

For these events, the 57-year-old woman was arrested and released after taking a statement from her as the alleged perpetrator of two crimes of simulation of crime and two crimes of fraud.

The proceedings instructed have been delivered to the Dénia Investigating Court.

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