Fallas - Parties - Local Board Fallera

The great night of Safir and Martina, major falleras of Dénia 2020

May 19 from 2019 - 19: 03

The May 18 2019 will be an impossible date to forget for Safir Malonda and Martina Gimeno. That night they received the call that will change their lives, that of the mayor of Dénia announcing that they were chosen for the failures of Dénia as their new major falleras for the 2019 / 2020 exercise.

For the first time the election of the major falleras was held on a Saturday, thus advancing the schedule of both the voting and the call and proclamation of the elected and their courts of honor. A vote that passed calmly and quickly. In fact, around the 19: 45 hours had already voted all those who were entitled to it.

The mayor and born chairman of the Fallera Local Board, accompanied by the president of the organization, Juan Salvador Pérez; the secretary, Salvador Llorens; the councilman of parties, Óscar Mengual, and the oldest member of the assembly, Pere Escortell, began the recount in the mayor's office of the City Council.

They were the 20: 30 hours when they went to the plenary room, phone in hand, to call the elected ones. The first telephone marked by the mayor was that of Martina Gimeno. And he made himself beg, because on the first attempt the voicemail jumped. In the second call, Dénia's failures finally discovered that the chosen one to reign among the youngest was Martina Gimeno Estévez, of 11 years, belonging to the Diana fault, student of 5º of Primary in the Carmelitas school. Martina was accompanied by her parents, her yaya, and the 2019 charges of the failure at the time of the call.

Then the call was made to the new faller mayor of Dénia, the young Safir Malonda Costa, from the Darrere del Castell fault, a commission that accompanied him while waiting for the call. Safir has 23 years and studies Molecular and Cellular Plant Biotechnology.

Upon their arrival at the Glorieta, the young women were received by the already members of their courts of honor: Cynthia Sendra Martínez; Yaiza Serrano Moll; Alma Miralles Pedrós; Alicia Guardiola Morera; Lucía Berruti Molinillo and María Ots Mut in the children's court; and Raquel Llobell Ivars, Elena Puig Pastor and Ainhoa ​​Gamero Pereira at the Safir court.

The new major fallers of Dénia and their courts of honor were received by the mayor of Dénia in the ground floor of the Town Hall, where they received, from the hands of the president of the Local Board Fallera the accreditation bands of this year fallero before the emotion of the large public who gathered to celebrate that Dénia already has major falleras.

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