Paris Falla Pedrera - Fallas - Parties

The 'apuntà' festival serves to start the year in Paris Pedrera

18 2018 April - 13: 26

The Paris Pedrera fault has officially started the 2018/2019 financial year. And he has done it with the first party of the year, that of the aIMING, which gathered falleros and falleras in Sagunto Street to enjoy the festive atmosphere of Paris Pedrera.

The day was presided by the offices of this year, Francisco Naranjo, Elena Puig, Pepe Gonzalez-Albo and Marina Grimalt, in a welcoming and exciting atmosphere in which there were activities for all ages. Norberto García and Tono Puigcerver were in charge of preparing the food to which he invited the falla, a baked rice that delighted the attendees.

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