Fairs - Society

The ecological fair in October will move to the street the road with a new philosophy

23 June 2016 - 13: 14

Durante el puente del 9 d’Octubre es tradicional la visita a Dénia de la feria de Alimentación y Salud Natural EcoDénia, una cita que se ubicaba en la calle Marqués de Campo durante varios días y que reunía a productores de todo el país.

This year the fair will be held, but with many new features. The first is that your organization is taken over by the departments of Agriculture and Environment and Climate Change, who want to give a different focus more on ecological and handicrafts approach.

The councilor of the area, Josep Crespo, explained that in this way it is intended to open the fair to artisan producers from the Marina Alta, who have the opportunity to show their products and offer them to the public at the fair. The participation of primary producers who offer both fresh and elaborated products at the fair is sought, and for this, bases have been established that can be consulted on the municipal website from June 27.

The second novelty is the change of location, since starting this year it will be installed on La Vía street, a larger area that allows the range of stands to be diversified and divided into different thematic areas. In the absence of specifying depending on the stops that are registered, it is intended to create a product area, another for the Environment in which different NGOs will participate to explain their projects; and a recreational area that will include a photography exhibition.

In this way the celebration of the fair will be linked with the recognition of the Creative City of Gastronomy that Dénia has held since last December of 2015 through the new Fira de l'agriculture productes i Ecologics, Artesanals i autòctons.

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