Moors and Christians - Parties

The FEMMICC Dénia will participate in the 'First Desembarc Undef Symposium' in Vila Joiosa

27 March 2023 - 17: 14

Last Friday, March 24, a new meeting of Undef area V took place. On this occasion, it was held in the town of Jávea.

The Junta de Festes de Moros i Cristians de Xàbia, headed by its president, Abel Moll Julia, acted as host. Ms. president of Undef, Pepa Prats, and her vice president, Mr. Rafael Sanjeronimo Benavent, the president of the Xàbia Board, Mr. Abel Moll, and the delegate of the area, Mr. Vicente Ivars. The meeting was also attended by the mayor of Xàbia, D. José Chulvi, the councilor for Festivals of Xàbia, Kika Mata, and that of Vila Joiosa, Isabel Perona, as well as the Undef Social Media advisor, D. Miguel Angel F. Buigues.

In addition, several local entities were present. In Dénia, the FEMMICC was represented by the president, Sonia Pérez, and the secretary, Santiago Escortell. From Moraira, the Moors and Christians of this town were present, as well as in Benissa, Altea, Callosa d'En Sarripa, Vila Joiosa and the recently incorporated association of Piles.


This meeting served to present what will be the "First Desembarc Undef Symposium" that will take place on July 15 and that will address the idiosyncrasies of the genuine act of Landing, which in turn is a Festival of International Tourist Interest in La Vila Joiosa.

For its part, the Central Board of Moraira took the opportunity to propose the celebration of a day of festive brotherhood for Saturday 27 May.

Both acts, which will be detailed and made public later, have been very well studied by the organizing entities, causing a very good impression on the rest of the population.

It was also reported that Undef has obtained a €30.000 grant from Tourism of the Generalitat Valenciana and that it will apply for Next Generation European funds to promote and promote the festival in the European Union. This subsidy will also serve to encourage visits to our country to learn about the Moors and Christians festival. Situation that will bring a great economic and tourist repercussion to the different localities. Currently, this project is with the documentation presented and with the option to opt for funds worth 34 million euros.

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