Falla Les Roques - Fallas - Parties - Leisure

Fault Roques celebrates the ruse of his top posts

May 02 from 2012 - 00: 00

Last Sunday, April 22, at 12,30:1 pm at the gates of our house we met the commission, collaborators, charges of other fallas, friends to wait together with the new presidents for our major falleras to arrive. Around 4 a.m., a car was heard whistling non-stop, and they appeared leaning out of an uncovered roof in a spectacular car, our vice president Salvador Candel Santacreu opened the car doors for them, and our presidents went to pick them up and deliver a bouquet of flowers to each one, the XNUMX together walked the red carpet worthy of such an occasion, amid applause and encouragement from all the people gathered there, and stood together with our secretary Aroa Forment García, who gave way to read the act of the ruse, officially naming :

President: Jose Antonio Monsonis Bertomeu.
Fallera Mayor: Payer Pamela Barber
Children President: Marcos Pérez Gimeno
Fallera Mayor Infantil: Emma Miralles Rosello

Then, I request the signature of all of them and their counterparts in the minutes family, in order to agree on the appointment and ending the act. Then we did the appetizer and tasted a magnificent paella i fideua, from here we congratulate the chef and his assistants were GONE !. For dessert we had a lot of different cakes. The day passed in a good atmosphere Faller union. From here we wish you the best for this new year to the new charges and their families !.

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