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The ETC prepares the course in which they held 20 years as a municipal school

02 September 2014 - 12: 08

Escola Regional Theater (ETC) presented this morning the new academic year 2014-2015 which also coincides with the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the creation of the Municipal School of Theater of Dénia.

Its director, Mario Passero, explained that this year has prepared an extensive program of events to be ceebrarán parallel with teaching classes to commemorate this anniversary and with which aims to bring more theater is done in Dénia citizens .

Among the events scheduled throughout the whole year include theatrical performances as the work "Cinderella behind bars" 25 next November, coinciding with the celebration of International Day Against Violence Against Women; he Improvisation II Match in December or representations of children and youth groups for the month of February.

March, with the celebration of World Theater Day, will bring a special and novel programming in which the school team is working, and the celebration of the anniversary will end in the month of May with a trip to Russia, since the school has been invited to participate in the Classical Theater Festival of Moscow.

So will the new course at ETC

ETC this year will continue to offer courses for children, youth, by Professor Antonia Díaz; adults of all abilities and disabilities.

These courses a new workshop which will give the player Nacho Diego Dianense adds. Under the title "Monologue and Soliloquy. From Text to Representation"The degree in playwriting share their knowledge with the students throughout the course.

During the first quarter we will work on developing the idea into a monologue that each student will write and what they will receive individual attention. The second quarter will focus on the stage direction, with the goal that each student directs his own monologue. The third and fourth quarter will focus on the union of all in one dramatic monologues directed by the teacher.

Those interested in signing up for the course in the ETC can do so from next Monday September 8 in Llunàtics offices, Monday through Thursday from 9 to 13 and 17 20 hours to Friday from 9 to 13 hours. He Registration fee the first year is 30 20 euros for adults and for children and youth euros. Monthly premiums are priced at 15 euros and students of In-Visible (disabled) may participate for free.

Classes will begin on Wednesday, October 1 on school premises in the building LLunàtics.

The youth councilor, Isabel Gallego, applauded the work of the teachers throughout the year with the students and recommended that all theater lovers sign up or go to see the "fantastic" assemblies that prepare.

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