Society - Nature

The councilor Mireia Mollà meets with the Dénia City Council to protect the posidonia

03 December 2021 - 15: 42

The Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Dénia City Council have met to define the cooperation that they are going to carry out in terms of posidonia protection, in accordance with the decree worked by the department to guarantee the conservation of these Mediterranean seagrass beds.

Image: Mireia Mollà with Vicent Grimalt in the plenary hall of the Dénia City CouncilMireia Mollà with Vicent Grimalt in the plenary hall of the Dénia City Council

The Minister of Agriculture, Mireia Mollà, has met this morning with the mayor of Dénia, Vicent Grimalt, to agree on joint measures aimed at ensuring the necessary environmental, social and tourist balance, essential in those municipalities where the posidonia element and a added tourist pressure.

"We want those municipalities like Dénia that already have sensitivity and concrete actions to be the maximum collaborators with the aim of increasing the potential of the administrations involved in the protection of posidonia," stated the councilor.

Representatives of the municipal groups together with the minister Mireia Mollà

In parallel to the entry into force of the decree for the protection of posidonia, scheduled for next year, Mollà has indicated that the Generalitat will have the first line of budgets for the protection of this aquatic plant, endemic to the Mediterranean.

The councilor has highlighted the need for collaboration from the town councils where the marine surveillance service will be provided (an initiative promoted and financed by the Generalitat), such as Dénia, where it will begin next summer, as it is considered a "priority municipality for action." », and to inform and raise awareness among citizens and personnel of nautical companies.

In this sense, it has announced the call for meetings with the nautical sector for the beginning of next year to influence this area and the realization of a cross-sectional conference in spring, which will affect environmental education, awareness, science (cartography), as well as concrete actions to protect these marine forests.

Mireia Mollà and Vicent Grimalt after the meeting

In addition, the councilor has referred to the corrective measures to ensure the conservation of these seagrass beds, noting that an alliance will be sought with companies that may join, as collaborating entities, in the protection of these Mediterranean forests.

"Marine protection requires active policies aimed at amending past actions, assuming joint responsibilities and opening a source of opportunity," said the councilor in reference to the 1% annual loss of posidonia, a phanerogam endemic to the Mediterranean with a great capacity for capturing CO2 and releasing oxygen.

Finally, the councilor has indicated that in case of having to carry out a removal of dead seagrass, it can be incorporated elsewhere because it helps prevent erosion of the coastline, it should not be disposed of by treating it as waste.

For his part, Vicent Grimalt has stated that we must continue working to achieve the maximum protection and conservation of the posidonia meadows and has expressed his satisfaction with this line of work that looks to the future.

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