Handball - Sports

Day defeats for teams Garbi quarry Dénia

November 25 from 2016 - 00: 33

The Garbi Dénia quarry teams did not have a good day since they all fell defeated.

The female child lost to the BM set by 6 to 26 Torrellano in a match where dianenses could not stop the offensive power of the visitors. The lack of success in attack was another burden for them. This group of girls still working to recover the good feelings they have had in previous games. For their work and dedication they deserve to soon reach his first victory. His next match will be this Saturday visiting the CBM Elda D.

The men's team suffered the same fate falling to the CB Illice Jesuitinas by 18 21 to. The shock was very even, being decided in the second half, where visitors were most successful at key moments. Despite the defeat harvested dianenses showed a good image but must correct errors. At dianenses he lacked more serenity and success in the final stretch of the crash. His next match will be in the pavilion "Isabel Fernández"Torrellano, against CB Torrellano, team that currently occupies the second place in the standings.

Youth team traveled to the pavilion "Garganes"Altea where he lost to the CE Villa Blanca Altea by 28 24 to. The dianenses controlled the game in the first half, sending both the score and the tempo. The effort spent billed in the second period. To be below the score of Garbi Dénia boys rushed in their actions. That is, they made many mistakes when finalizing the plays and paid dearly. The deeper the local bench was key to the stretch the alteanos give back to the marker.

On the next day the team despite having Dianense rest day on Sunday will be measured to CE Villa Blanca Altea to recover the amount of the first day of league postponed match.

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