del Verger, 10, Beniarbeig
966 477 265
Passeig de les Germanies, 32, Gandia
961 040 162

En Irema They will help you fulfill your dream.

In the Fertility and Assisted Reproduction Clinics of IREMA, you will find the most advanced treatments, hand in hand with the best professionals, to treat the possible fertility problems of their patients.

In their clinics they will offer you a comprehensive service for the diagnosis and specific treatment of infertility and sterility problems.

The clinic is made up of a large group of professionals with extensive experience in all areas of assisted human reproduction, such as gynecology, reproductive biology, andrology, laboratory staff and nursing. Also offering a personalized treatment with the patient, exhaustively studying their problem and reproductive health and offering the appropriate alternatives in each case.

These clinics have the latest technology, with personalized assisted reproduction treatments, being awarded in 2015 as the best fertility clinic.

At IREMA they carry out a 100% personalized fertility study, taking into account the age and circumstances of each patient, in order to establish a diagnosis and offer the different options that best suit and achieve, to a greater extent, the desired pregnancy.

Diagnostic tests at IREMA

Assisted reproduction treatments at IREMA

Ask for your appointment and check the IREMA method.

irema in beniarbeig
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