Schedule of football matches in Dénia

Start date: March 08th 2014
Finish date: March 09th 2014
Event type: Sport
Site: Soccer fields of Rodat and Diego Mena de Dénia.
Schedule: From 9 hours.
Home: Free
Event finished

Football fans in Dénia have an extensive menu to choose from. One of the recommendations is to go on Sunday at the 10 hours to Diego Mena field to watch the game of the CD. Dénia Juvenil A against Alicante B. The yellow team is second in the standings just three points behind the leader.

These are the times of the different football games that can be seen during the weekend in Dénia.

Saturday 8

09´15 Field Rodat EMF. Dénia C --- Calpe B Benjamin
09´15 Field Rodat EMF. Dénia C --- Calpe B Alevín
10´15 Diego Mena EMF. Dénia D --- AT. Xeresa Infantil
10´30 Field Rodat EMF. Dénia A --- Gorgos A Benjamín
10´30 Field Rodat EMF. Dénia A --- Gorgos A Alevín
11`45 Field Rodat EMF. Dénia E --- Alfás del Pí Benjamín
11´45 Field Rodat EMF. Dénia E --- Alfás del Pí Alevín
11´45 Diego Mena EMF. Dénia D --- Gandía C Cadete
13´00 Field Rodat EMF. Dénia C --- Ondara B Prebenjamín
13´00 Field Rodat EMF. Dénia D --- The Verger B Prebenjamin
15´45 Field Rodat EMF. Dénia A --- Beniredrá Prebenjamín
17´00 Field Rodat EMF. Dénia A --- Elche Sp. Cadet
18´45 Field Rodat EMF. Dénia A --- Elche SP. Childish
19´00 Diego Mena C. Don Jamón --- CR Mañas Veteranos


09´00 Campo Rodat Solcasa --- Jávea Vts. Veterans
10´00 Diego Mena CD. Dénia A --- Alicante B Youth
10´30 Campo Rodat CBN Villas --- Calpe Vts. Veterans
12´00 Campo Rodat Colombians --- Ale Hop Veterans
12´00 Diego Mena CD. Dénia B --- Cullera Juvenil
17´00 Diego Mena Amigos Mundo --- Latinos Veteranos

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