Gent of Dénia - Politics

Gent of Dénia employ a specific department to follow up complaints and suggestions of citizens

May 12 from 2011 - 20: 09

After the numerous meetings that Gent de Dénia has had in recent weeks with different groups of residents and associations Dianenses, it has been noticed that all of them agreed on the demand for more attention from the City, since when they have submitted a document by Registration have been delayed in knowing their status or resolution.

Given this approach, Gent de Dénia is committed to the creation of a specific department within the City Council that collaborates with the citizen with the follow-up of all this documentation creating a true Dénia Participatory, where citizens have a voice and vote and proposals and suggestions from all of them are not lost along the way.

Gent de Dénia is committed to continue with the model that they have implemented in the Local Agenda 21, "has taken a radical turn in improving participation."

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