GDCU - Politics

GDCU proposes that the City bonifique owners of electric vehicles

20 October 2016 - 12: 38

The councilors of the GDCU group at the local council, Miguel Llobell and Pepa Font, have launched a proposal to the Environment Commission of the City of Dénia requesting that electric vehicle users be rewarded for helping to maintain sustainability and reduce pollution in the city.

Miguel Llobell explained, this proposal is based on four requests: firstly, obtaining a special card electric vehicles or clean fuel that allows users to park free and unlimited in regulated parking (ORA). On the other, creating a structure of recharging electric vehicles on public land, either by itself or municipal management through an administrative concession. Possible locations of these points Torrecremada propose, parking Urbanism department or area B-1 (IES around the 3 Number).

In this regard, the motion presented by GDCU also proposes that the parking public concession of the city acondicionen places inside intended for vehicle charging, applying discounts 50% rate to holders of the special card mentioned above.

The proposal also includes the incorporation of a green clause in the City pleigos hiring, awarding points to companies that provide electric or hybrid vehicles. Finally, from GDCU propose the consistory carrying out a comprehensive plan for sustainable mobility to consider, among other things, restricting combustion vehicles in areas with a high level of protection as the Natural Park of Montgo and the Marine Reserve of Cabo de San Antonio.

With this motion, from GDCU they want the City Council Dénia become a pioneer of the defense and protection of the environment, rewarding the use of clean vehicles among neighbors and businesses.

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