Culture - Gastronomy

Gasterra starts its programming with talks, research and recognition of figures from our gastronomy

24 September 2018 - 15: 20

El curso comienza en el Centro de Gastronomía del Mediterráneo, Gasterra, en su primer año de andadura en Dénia. La programación ha sido presentada este lunes en la sede provisional de la Seu Universitaria de la Universitat d’Alacant en Dénia de la mano del director del centro, Josep Bertomeu.

The director explained that the center will work in three lines: «por un lado la formación, por otro la investigación y transferencia del conocimiento y por última la tercera línea de divulgación y extensión universitaria».

Conferences: Read in gastronomic key

Con el objetivo de conocer publicaciones de carácter divulgativo con la gastronomía como protagonista, Gasterra ha organizado un ciclo de conferencias y actividades que se desarrollarán durante los próximos tres meses. Todas ellas serán en el Centre d’Art l’Estació a las 19:00 horas.

The cycle begins on September 27 with the presentation of El llibre daurat: The history of paella com no s'ha contat mai, by the writer and poet Josep Piera. The work will be presented by the archaeologist Josep Antoni Gisbert and the journalist and writer Ángeles Ruiz.

El October 5 the presentation of the publication will take place Mediterranean Heritage, a rigorous study on our way of feeding ourselves, work of the professor of the University of Alicante and doctor in nutrition Ana Zaragoza, written together with the historian Juan V. Martín Devesa.

The conferences will continue on November 21th with the presentation of The cuña of Marina Alta, a work that delves into the culinary heritage and the peculiarities of the cuisine of the region written by Josep Vicent Miralles and Marisa Piles.

In December, on a date still to be confirmed, the revised edition of the Vademecum de Cocina de la Marina Alta will be presented, a work that was published for the first time in 2003 by the hand of Carlos Llorca and Ángeles Ruiz.

Recognition of figures of our gastronomy

From Gasterra we intend to make periodic tributes to outstanding figures in the cuisine of the Marina Alta. In this sense, the first proper name will be that of the chef Pepa Romans with the organization of an annual seminar in her name, which will boost the values ​​she embodied: the development of a gastronomy rooted in the Mediterranean food culture, committed to the territory , solidary, sustainable and healthy.

The first edition of this seminar will be about the family business and the generational changeover.

Another of the names of this year will be the chef Joël Roubuchon, who died last August. It will be an annual event that will feature relevant figures of culinary research and international gastronomy.

2018 Gerontology

En línea con las actividades de asistencia a la dependencia que la Seu Universitària de la Universitat d’Alacant viene desarrollando, Gasterra ofrecerá el curso Gerontología 2018 los días 14 y 15 de noviembre en el CDT de Dénia. Se trata de un curso dirigido a personas interesados en obtener formación e información útil para cuidar a las personas mayores a su cargo.

Research projects and recovery of traditional gastronomic heritage

Professor Ana Zaragoza, Gasterra's academic coordinator, is carrying out a project on adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in collaboration with the IES María Ibars students.

Also, in collaboration with the IECMA, MACMA and CREAMA, Gasterra has launched a project to recover the bibliographic heritage on cuisine and gastronomy of the Marina Alta. It is an initiative in collaboration with the Caja Mediterráneo Foundation and the direction of the Carmencita Chair of Studies of Gastronomic Taste of the UA that aims to perform an inventory, analysis and study, dissemination and dissemination of the documentary and bibliographic background of the writer and journalist Antonio González Pomata.

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