Falla Baix la Mar - Fallas - Parties - Leisure

Falla Baix la Mar: our falleros monuments

February 14 from 2013 - 00: 00

As we announced, last Sunday was a very special day for the Falla Baix la Mar. One of the most anticipated moments took place, the presentation of the sketches of what in a few days will be our Fallas monuments.

13 hours around in our casal, began the simple yet awaited event. Maria Dolores Guntiñas, deputy secretary of our committee was in charge of driving. He began by welcoming everyone present, including the maximum charges Baix la Mar were, our falleros artists, Vicent Pastor and Pepe Sanchis, the Falleras Over Denia, the President of the JLF and our representatives in Parliament of Honor.

Teresa and Pedro, with Vicent Pastor and his inseparable partner and assistant, Marina, discovered the sketches of our child fallita bearing the slogan "What happiness is motherhood", Also known as "Babyboom". It is a project of Javier Fernández in which Vicent and Marina have placed all their hopes and know-how for, a year compete for the top prize. An illusion that we have been able to convey to the falleros and that everyone can enjoy next March.

By oto side, Lorena and Vicent, with Pepe Sanchis, discovered the sketch of the big monument. After a few years out of our committee, Pepe Sanchis becomes hard to plant in Baix la Mar with a fault whose motto "The fallas are chameleonic". Nada más cerca de la realidad porque, como nos explicó Dani Garrigós, guionista del monumento, los falleros nos sabemos adaptar a todo tipo de situaciones, a las adversidades, climatología, crisis… un monumentos que plasmará y criticará la situación actual y en el que tanto Sanchis como los falleros hemos depositado toda nuestra confianza.

At the end of the ceremony, Maria José Hostalrich delighted us with a stew for about a hundred people of which little left over, shows a good meal. As is traditional, a detail of gratitude to his work was given to him by the top officials.

Also, Lorena and Vicent wanted to take this meal to thank David Arbona, Laura Oltra and Miguel Ivars their work in the development of the Presentation of the Fallera Mayor and his Court of Honor held in October, awarding them a gift.

The Falla Baix la Mar presents the sketches of its monuments
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