
Success of influx in the great donation of Portal de la Marina

May 12 from 2021 - 11: 57

The Portal de la Marina shopping center, together with the Valencian Government Transfusion Center and the Ondara City Council, started the blood donation marathon on Tuesday, May 11, with a great success of affluence. A total of 83 donors, exceeding the daily forecast.

Image: Blood donation marathon in Portal de la MarinaBlood donation marathon in Portal de la Marina

Under the name "The Great Donation", the extractions began yesterday morning and dozens of people came from the early hours to the premises installed on the ground floor of the shopping center to donate blood. Today the action continues and this space will be open to donors from 10:00 a.m. to 13.30:16 p.m. and from 30:20 p.m. to 30:XNUMX p.m. In order to donate, volunteers must meet the following requirements:

The Marina Alta turns to solidarity causes

The opening ceremony was attended by the director of the shopping center, Virginia Carrasco, accompanied by the mayor of Ondara, José Ramiro, and the councilor for Health of the Ondara City Council, Mª Carmen Velázquez, who did not hesitate to donate blood.

With the aim of obtaining the largest number of donors in recent times, the shopping center is giving away a movie ticket to all participants, who will also enter the prize draw sponsored by the Ondara City Council. In addition, Portal de la Marina will raffle a year of free cinema among anyone who shares a photo on social networks using the hashtag #YoDonoEnPortalDeLaMarina.

For Virginia Carrasco, director of Portal de la Marina, this action “involves only fifteen minutes in the day-to-day life of a person who can help save up to three lives. The Marina Alta is showing that part so supportive that we already knew and it has turned over with this donation ”.

For her part, Mª Carmen Velázquez, Ondara Health Councilor, assures that “we must be encouraged to donate and leave prejudices behind. With just one donor we can save up to three lives. It takes very little time, it doesn't hurt and they also give you a movie ticket. With a little while we can achieve as much as save lives ”.

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