Sports - Soccer

Premiere with defeat for the CD Dénia Juvenil that fell before the UD Alzira (2-3)

04 September 2017 - 00: 00

The Diego Mena field was the scene of the premiere of CD Dénia Juvenil "A", in the National Youth League this season. A debut that was not what was expected, much less what was desired, since the team led by Manuel Guijarro fell to UD Alzira 2-3.

After a start of the game faltering on the part of both sets, it was the visitors who settled better. They began to touch something more the ball before a CD Denia to which the pressure and the nerves of the premiere happened to him invoice.

The away team went ahead on the scoreboard in the 38 minute, with a goal by Pablo. This goal fell like a pitcher of cold water both among players and among fans. At the break came with a visiting lead over 0 to 1.

In the second half, the boys of Manolo Guijarro continued with their nerves, failing simple passes and giving excessive facilities to his rival. The azulgranas, got the 0 to 2 in minute 63 with a little of Alberola.

The home team lost some time on the pitch. The local technician tried to fix the situation by introducing refreshment people, but it was UD Alzira who scored the 0 to 3 in the minute 73 with both Raúl Gómez.

With such an adverse marker, the best of the Dianans was their power of reaction. The nerves were released and five minutes later they managed to reduce the differences with Sergi Chamorro's goal. The score was then 0 - 3. The teams went for the halftime break at 0 -

The award for delivery of the locals came with the goal of Travis in the last minute of the match. With the 2 to 3 it was arrived at the end of the party reason why the CD Denia after the first day continues with its box of points to zero.

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