Falla Oeste - Fallas - Parties

Show like no other to present Noelia as Fallera Mayor West

06 December 2014 - 11: 06

Excitement, surprise and feelings of skin went hand in the night of Friday in the presentation of the West Falla, which proclaimed his senior faller for this exercise, Noelia Vargas Sánchez.

With celestial music and even angels began one of the most important events for the commission of the West, which had the help of some of his falleros riding to finish the stage to the tune of musical notes. This time it was Anna Sobrecases the host of an emotional night which was inspired by the Valgamedios square square where every year the plant its monuments West fails.

The first to take the stage was its president, Javier Tadeo Senen Carrascosa, the first surprise was to see that he had his childhood friend Rosa López and the second surprise, very emotional, seeing that it was his son, barely one year in charge of handing the baton president.

Then were called the components of the commission and, all in their places, came the expected time of the appearance of the only star of the night, Noelia Vargas Sanchez, who appeared behind center stage sitting on his throne maximum representative of the failure.

Noelia and its president received the charges last year, Marta Lledó and David Ochoa, who imposed the band Noelia and took the opportunity to say a few words of farewell to the people who gathered in the auditorium gave the Social Center.

After they took the stage the president of the association Oeste Falla, José Navarro, who was in charge of imposing Javier Tadeo and Noelia gold badges failure.

The most awaited moment approached for Noelia, and as an aperitif enjoyed the ballet performance of a friend, who wanted to be with her on such a special night.

A night in which the president of the Federation of Moors and Christians, Josele Maldonado, also wanted to accompany the major faller of the West; the president of the Comissió de Festes de la Mare de Deu, Fernando Marí Perles; the party councilor, Paco Arnau, and the greater faller of Dénia and the president of the Local Fallera Board, Carla Petrie and Jaume Bertomeu.

After the pleitesías night finally came the moment of exaltation of Noelia, who was in charge of his father and moved to the West faller with a poem dedicated.

To finish the event, the maximum charges of failure took the floor to thank the help in such a special people around them year.

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