The PP of Dénia describes as "bad" the management of the government team

27 December 2019 - 12: 47

The spokeswoman of the Popular Party of Dénia, Maria Mut, has made a political balance of the last six months of the government of absolute majority of the Socialist Party. Mut points out that it is a "poor management" in which "The absolute majority has choked them."

The popular spokeswoman has lashed out at some mayor saying that "There are Champions and others from 2nd." Among the efforts, Mut has mentioned the delay in bidding and awarding of contracts, «las boyas de balizamiento tuvieron retraso, la tardía licitación del Mercado Medieval ha supuesto un daño económico irreparable para todos los artesanos y comerciantes y la limpieza de playas, que cada verano denunciamos su pésimo estado».

PP ediles archive

Since the PP have also criticized the situation of the gardens, «They are full of weeds, dirty and many of them lack renewal of their plants and bushes. From the PP we denounce the abandonment they present.

On Urbanism, the popular brand of "real disaster" indicating the "poor management in the processing of the General Plan and construction licenses."


María Mut, in the political balance, has stressed that the government team has not taken into account the proposals of the opposition parties, «The majority of the motions that have been presented in these six months, either by the Popular Party or by other parties, have not reached the plenary session. They have not even been given the option of being debated or explained in the plenary session itself. "They have lain down in the information commission regarding the issue."

Before the state of the sports facilities in Dénia, from the PP they criticize that the bad state in which the tracks of Madrigueres are, «Many children train and play there, the courts being full of holes and cracks, it is unfortunate. And now, due to the precarious state of the sports center, these courts are used more than ever and there is still no solution to this issue.

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