Politics - PP - PSPV

The PP accuses the PSPV of "refusing to alleviate the tax burden on residents, the self-employed and SMEs without giving any explanation"

24 March 2021 - 09: 58

The Popular Party of Dénia has shown its indignation caused by an alleged constant refusal of the local executive before its economic proposals to alleviate the economic situation of the neighbors, according to the formation.

Image: Municipal group of the PPPP municipal group

The PP «lamenta la indiferencia del equipo de gobierno ante los problemas reales de los ciudadanos», they affirm after receiving the last of almost a dozen refusals to their proposals for «aliviar la carga fiscal» to the self-employed and SMEs of Dénia.

«En un momento en que muchos de sus vecinos han perdido sus trabajos, o están afectados por un ERTE, o tienen una tienda o un bar que está a punto de echar el cierre o pendiendo de un hilo, estas propuestas son importantísimas. Porque el Ayuntamiento es la administración que debe estar más en contacto con la ciudadanía, pero a lo visto, el equipo de gobierno del PSOE vive en un mundo paralelo totalmente desconectado de la realidad», point out the popular, who has obtained the last refusal during the meeting of tax credits on March 17, where the motion that presented said formation during the plenary session of March for the reactivation of economic and social activity was studied.

According to the PP, these proposals aimed at lowering taxes, for the most part, have not been subjected to the minimum study, since «según el PSOE no tienen cabida, sin más».

Popular Dénia proposed to lower the IBI for 2 years, reduce the IVTM, reduce the rate of garbage to establishments forced to close during the state of alarm, lower the construction tax, lower the administrative fees, reduce the IPO, lower the rates of the Mercat and the market service, speed up the return of fees and guarantees, and subsidize various NGOs in an extraordinary way. Of these 9 proposals, the municipal group of the PP affirms that none has been approved, stating: «este es el talante del equipo de gobierno, ellos que acusan a la oposición de no hacer su trabajo, cuando la triste realidad es que ellos no hacen el suyo, no se ocupan de los problemas de la gente que vivimos en Dénia y no dejan tampoco que nadie haga nada».

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