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The Observatori Marina Alta renews its website and updates its data

May 22 from 2019 - 00: 02

The Observatori Marina Alta, official source of data on La Marina Alta and its 33 municipalities, has just renewed its website with new data and a renewed design to improve the user experience and facilitate the obtaining of statistical information about the region, the ultimate goal of the entity. It is a web in constant growth and update, with which every day are adding more indicators, and new analysis and services.

It is a totally accessible website, made from the region, the region and the region, where any user can have a key query tool, from the agents of the territory to anyone interested in knowing relevant statistical data. our territory

Currently, the Observatori Marina Alta offers data on more than 40 indicators on demography and living conditions, territory and environment, labor market, tourism and services, business fabric, agriculture, fishing, construction and housing, use of information and communication technologies (TIC), municipal budgets and equipment, etc. It also has a personalized information request service through the contact form, which allows to request sectoral reports and data and specific information that is of interest and usefulness for the applicant.

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