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The government team approves alone the municipal budget 2014

May 08 from 2014 - 17: 33

Dénia municipal budgets for this year are already 2014 initially approved with votes in favor of the government team, consisting Popular Party and Center Unificat. PSOE, Bloc-Compromís CDL and voted against the document and some of them will present arguments on publication in the Official Gazette of the Province.

The Councilor for Finance, Vicente Chelet, opened the floor by explaining in detail the chapters of this budget, which amounts to 46.319.306,14 euros, which represents a decrease of 1,83% with respect to last year.

Chelet justified the delay in the adoption of this document by the operation of bank refinancing operations with two long term have been fully used to pay planning agreements and decisions of urban land use that «sin esta refinanciación, tendríamos que haber sacado a las partidas de gastos corrientes y rebajar todos los gastos de los departamentos», a total of almost 1,6 million euros that Dénia will pay in several years.

Regularizing the pattern will begin implementing in 2015

The more than 600.000 euros of income that the municipality anticipated after the regularization of the register made by SUMA will not be this year.

The mayor of Finance explained that the Finance Ministry will finish the work of incorporating new data in November, so it was not until 2015 when rates are applied to inmubeles property not taxed and modify those to now they were wrong.

Chelet valued this as a «buena noticia» but it will be delayed until next year.

Town Hall debt

Forecasts indicate that by the end of 2014 the city council's outstanding debt will be 29.582.796 euros. According to the city council, a great fiscal effort has been made to lower bank depreciation.

2.813.390 euros will be allocated this year amortizations, so it is expected that at year-end debt will be below 55% of the municipal budget.

El CDL no aprueba unos presupuestos «irreales»

The councilor of the CDL, Mari Martinez, accused the government team of not taking into account the actual closure of 2013 to make the 2014 budget, so they return to be unrealistic budgets.

According to Martinez, in one year the collection debts have increased 1.200.000, accumulating a total of more than 18 million euros. Said Councilwoman «los proveedores son quienes sostienen las cuentas del ayuntamiento».

Regarding the regularization of the registry, Martínez asked Chelet for explanations about the announcement, last November, that 518 housing «piratas» they would pay taxes this year and consequently increase revenues in 600.000 euros.

The Bloc Vote "No." by the high tax burden that applies to citizens

Josep Crespo, councilor of Bloc-Compromís, explained that they do not support these budgets because they did not do it last year and have presented a very similar document.

The councilman accused the government team of the promise to lower the IBI for next year, which is an election year, and asked the PP to stop making promises at all levels.

The PSOE does not approve budgets that are «más de lo mismo»

The PSOE began his speech by saying that it is "amazing" whereas, most, government partners have taken so long to agree to approve the municipal budget, «demuestra una falta de responsabilidad por su parte».

According to his spokesman, Vicent Grimalt, these are not social budgets, «no están destinados al bienestar social de la gente ni a la realidad».

The PSOE expected «otros presupuestos» because they have had more than four months to work on them, but finally they have found «más de lo mismo». Budgets that, in the words of the Socialists, «carecen de lo que más necesita la gente: el apoyo de su administración más próxima».

Grimalt reported that «los ciudadanos son los que soportan cada día más la carga de estos presupuestos con más impuestos, ya que el 50% de los ingresos de las cuentas públicas salen de sus bolsillos, cuando en 2011 el porcentaje era de sólo el 35,07%».

For his part, the socialist councilor in charge of economic issues, Paco Roselló, unveiled que «la presión fiscal que sufren los ciudadanos es de 838,98 euros, que podrían llegar a los casi 900 si sumamos la tasa de alcantarillado».

Vicent Grimalt announced that his group will present arguments to this document to include in municipal accounts the 1% of budgets to social emergencies, create a plan of employment for disadvantaged groups and fund projects fruit of the ideas of young students and reduce outsourcing and 10% fall in spending in light of City Hall.

Unificat Center supports a budget that considers «el mejor posible»

Pepa Font (Center Unificat), asked for a reflection on the situation experienced by the government team, which has had to take forward budgets in the deepest economic crisis that the country has experienced, with a reduction of more than one 20 % of the total with respect to 6 years ago.

Font praised the management of the department of personnel of the town hall, which has managed to reorganize the situation with depreciation of unfilled places and pensions that make possible the normal operation of the consistory.

Councilwoman Center for Unificat, the measures taken by the government team are appropriate for boosting employment in the city, with a firm commitment to increase sáreas that favor it, such as tourism and Creama.

According Font is «el mejor presupuesto posible, donde se hace incidencia en las áreas más sensibles de la población y que harán posible una disminución de impuestos».

The mayor ended the session by expressing his desire that opposition groups contribute their ideas to the budgets once they are published in the BOP, as only the PSOE has presented in previous years claims the document.

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