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Dénia Basketball Sub 21 fell to CB.Terralfás after two extensions (81-74)

November 28 from 2013 - 00: 00

El conjunto dianense mereció mejor suerte en la visita al pabellón «Pau Gasol» de L`Alfás del Pí, donde acabo perdiendo ante el CB. Terralfás por 81 a 74 tras disputar dos prórrogas. Este encuentro correspondió a la séptima jornada de la liga Primera Zonal.

The first quarter was for the home side six points difference (18-12), exact advantage that offset the visitors to reach the break with a tie (29-29).

The third quarter was again to the premises (45-44) after recovering in the last two minutes seven-point disadvantage thanks to the success of Semper from the line of 6,75.

Thirty seconds after the end of the match there was minimal local advantage (62-61) but the last visitor attack was taken by Jordi Pons scoring a triple from the corner with eight seconds remaining (62-64).

Died after the house while fortune smiled on Alós that hit a difficult shot to tie the score returned (64-64) sending the game into overtime.

In it, the CB. Terralfás got to obtain a margin of five points that seemed definitive but Dénia Básquet took strength from weakness, approached and with a triple to table by Rubén Velázquez in the last second sent the game to a second extension (73-73).

The largest local veteran and depletion of visiting forces ended up being key to the locals take there the game especially on a last minute where dianenses did not hit anything and lost a little patience going from 77-74 the final 81-74 that although the end is just too much punishment seen on the playing court.

By Dénia Básquet played and recorded: Hidalgo (-), Calvo (2), Arbona (6), Pons (13) and Mari (19) -starting five- Fornés (5) Sawicki (9), Sadoki (-), Velazquez (18) and Conca (2).

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