
The City presents a budget of almost 54 million euros for 2019

13 March 2019 - 19: 34

The government team of Dénia, formed by PSPV and Compromís, has presented on Wednesday the budget project that it intends to approve in the next ordinary plenary session, to celebrate Thursday March 28. The document was presented by the councilor of finance, Paco Roselló, and the deputy mayor of Dénia, Rafa Carrió, and amounts to 53.725.009'68 euros.

This figure represents an increase of 722.404'14 euros with respect to 2018 budgets, or what is the same, an 1'36% more than a year ago.

Tax revenues decrease

In the income chapter, the Dianense City Council plans to enter, through the Direct Taxes, a total of 26.188.505'82 euros, which means 51.636'86 euros less than in 2018. Through the Indirect taxes a collection of 750.000 euros is foreseen, 150.000 euros less than last year.

The section that will increase will be the one referring to Rates and Other Income, which amounts to 12.878.368'71 euros, 741.310'08 euros more than in 2018.

Reduction of financial expenditure

In the section of expenses, the reduction in 250.000 euros of the financial expenses, which amount this year to 590.000 euros; while the Financial liabilities they go down in 1.545.000 euros, situating themselves in a total of 2.400.000 euros.

The two largest items in the expenses section are the Current Goods and Services, which amounts to 21.497.514'04 euros, increasing by 654.045'05 euros compared to 2018; and the chapter of Our Team, which closes in 19.122574'12 euros, 679.568'26 euros more than in the previous year.

Important investments in culture

For this exercise, the City Council of Dénia has budgeted a total of 4.104.985'49 euros in investments, of which 3'6 million will be from own resources and the rest from different supramunicipal grants.

In this section it is worth mentioning the $170.000 that will be used to create the Espai Castejón at the Municipal House of Culture. As explained by Carrió, it is a space that will house part of the artist's work, which he has donated selflessly to the City of Dénia, and whose donation document is being drafted these days.

The Municipal House of Culture will also receive this year 100.000 euros for the rehabilitation of the facade, a project valued at 300.000 euros and that is intended to be carried out in the next three annuities.

Also the future Museum of the Sea and the Museum of History of Dénia (in the House of the Marquesa Valero de Palma) will be allocated 100.000 euros to each one, while the new Library, on San José Street, will be used 80.000 euros for the purchase of furniture.

The 2019 budgets foresee an investment of almost 400.000 euros for the Restoration works of the Verger Alt and the Bastion of the Déni Castlea, of which 187.942 will come from the ERDF funds and the rest, 209.153'07, from own resources. Also in the Castle will be carried out restoration works of the Verger de Baix, for which 194.386'50 euros of the Ministry of Development and 64.795'50 euros of own resources will be invested.

Investments in the Mercat and the cemetery and new traffic light in Venta de Posa

In the Mercat de Dénia will be invested this year $107.000 that will go to the reform of the toilets and the arrangement of the soil.

In the Municipal Cemetery, a series of improvements will be made for the installation of shade in the dissemination, a project valued in $40.000 to which we must add the close to 16.000 euros that will be invested in the purchase of a portaféretros.

El Bosc Diana will receive an investment of 100.000 euros in 2019, year in which the installation of a traffic light is also planned on the road from Dénia to La Xara at the height of Venta de Posa, where the two-way road narrows and can only circulate A vehicle.

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