
"Autism, a problem that deeply shakes the family", HLA San Carlos

13 2018 April - 15: 58

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurobiological disorder of development that already manifests itself during the first three years of life and that will last throughout the life cycle. It affects how a person behaves, interacts with others, communicates and learns. This disorder includes what was known as Asperger's syndrome and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified, says the DSM (official medical book of American psychiatric diagnoses).

People with autism can have several different symptoms. For example, problems with talking to other people, limited interests and repetitive behaviors can make you spend a lot of time ordering things or repeating a phrase over and over again.

Some of the possible solutions that this disease can have are the early behavior, cognition and speech interventions that help children with autism to gain self-care, social and communication skills. Despite that there is no known cure, few autistic children become independent adults.

Many people wonder if autism can be hereditary. Autism spectrum disorders are caused by the interaction between an inheritable genetic susceptibility and environmental factors that act during embryogenesis, so it can be hereditary.

At HLA San Carlos we treat this disorder from a family-type intervention as it shakes deeply to this, making an integral treatment to the patient and the tutors so that it does not suppose a family imbalance, giving tools to the family of the patient to approach the problem to a behavioral and affective level.

Sabina García Gramser,
Psychologist at HLA San Carlos Hospital

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