
The Department of Health of Dénia recommends a serology for the early diagnosis of HIV

November 30 from 2017 - 13: 02

The 1 of December celebrates the World Day Against AIDS. For this reason, professionals of the Department of Health of Dénia have launched a council to the population that performs risk practices: request a serology in their
Primary Care center, in case of doubt or suspicion of being infected with the HIV virus.

According to the Ministry of Health, in 2016 the infection rate was maintained with respect to previous years in the Valencian Community. By age, the largest number of new cases is concentrated in the range from the 25 to the 34 years, with peaks among men of the 25-29 age. The main route of contagion is sexual, both between the heterosexual and the homosexual population. So prevention and early detection are fundamental.

The Head of Internal Medicine of the department, Dr. Patricia Martín Rico, "The population has to maintain the principles of safe sex but also the diagnosis and early treatment are basic when it comes to preventing infection, since for the patient who complies well with the treatment, the possibility of transmitting the disease is very small or null ".

The same study ensures that in the 43% of new cases detected in 2016 the diagnosis has been late. For this, adds Martin Rico, "It is enough to ask the Primary Care physician for a simple blood test; not only to check for HIV antibodies, but also for hepatitis B and C, since they use the same route of infection: blood or complete sexual intercourse Precisely in the case of Hepatitis C, early diagnosis is more important than ever, since the disease now has a cure ".

The objective of the Department of Health of Dénia is to meet the chain that the World Health Organization -OMS- called 90-90-, which states that 90% of people who have the infection know it, by early diagnosis of everyone who may have the infection; that 90%, at least, of those with the infection are in treatment; and that the 90% of all treaties reach the therapeutic objective: the control of the virus carrying out the treatment well.

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